Embed a Codepen in a Hugo site
Codepens can be easily embedded into hugo posts using a custom shortcode
The syntax looks like this:
{{< codepen id="#####" >}}
Github user jorinvo created a repository of shortcodes which includes one for a codepen.
The code looks like this:
{{/* DEFAULTS */}}
{{ $user := "your_username" }}
{{ $height := 500 }}
{{ $tab := "result" }}{{/* html|css|js|result */}}
{{ $theme := 8862 }}{{/* create on codepen.io */}}
data-slug-hash="{{ .Get "id" }}"
data-user="{{ or (.Get "user") $user }}"
data-height="{{ or (.Get "height") $height }}"
data-default-tab="{{ or (.Get "tab") $tab }}"
data-theme-id="{{ or (.Get "theme") $theme }}"
and it works great. And an example pen is shown below:
Simply create a new shortcode file at /layouts/shortcodes/codepen.html
, embed in post as per above, and you’re off to the races.